Our previous core activities at a glance:
- Our UNSAnet and the subsequent launch of a UN expert platform
- Organizing UN Studies-related panels on conferences, workshops or seminars - mainly in connection with ACUNS annual meetings
- Developing and discussing a concept of UN Studies
- Organizing regular web and phone conferences: UNSA Dialogues to discuss conceptual issues
- Launching the Journal of International Organizations Studies (JIOS)
- Developing and launching the Femicide Watch Platform (FWP)
Chronology of activities / events:
- Relaunch of Femicide Watch Platform, with new team of Editors from the University of Guelph, CA
- Launch of the Femicide Watch Platform Prototype in Vienna
- ACUNS Vienna conference "UN Agencies and the Sustainable Development Goals"
- UNSA at the 2014 ACUNS Annual Meeting in Istanbul: "Innovation in UN Studies"
- UNSA at the 2013 ACUNS Annual Meeting in Lund
- ACUNS Vienna UN Conference "Have the United Nations Agencies Adapted to the 21st Century?"
ACUNS Vienna Conference on Connecting UN Agencies with Academics and Civil Society
- Diversity Workshops Vienna June 2010
- ACUNS 2010 Annual Meeting Vienna: Paper: The UN as a communication and knowledge system
- ACUNS 2010 Annual Meeting Vienna: Roundtable on Diversity 2010
- ACUNS 2010 Annual Meeting Vienna: UN Studies Capacity Building in Southeast Europe
- ISA Annual Convention
- Teaching Climate Change and the UN - Belgrade
- ACUNS Annual Meeting
- ACUNS-ASIL Summer Workshop
- UNSA Seminar on UN Research and Teaching in Bonn
- UNSA Business Meeting in Bonn
- Energy Security Data Base
- Colloquium on Teaching the UN at the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna
- WISC Conference Ljubljana